Finding the Right Help in the UK

Not enough help for you yet? No problem. We've written many more pieces from various angles and about various type of firms across various parts of the country with various case ranges and varying experiences. Not to mention various ages, backgrounds and resources. We try to cover the things that you can find across the majority of firms so that you can have a general tool set from which to work when trying to discover which firm might be right for you. The reviews are not really to state one firm is better than another:

Hill House Chambers Barristers: they are qualified to ... When this is true they will hire a Barrister on your behalf. So always call the official phone number you have to check with the firm about such emails you've received. However on this occasion many of the reviews on the firm's own website and on th...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: However this statement alone should qualify our decision. Some firms have very little writing with massive images of people shaking hands and smiling. Whichever side you've typically come down on in the past, we don't think the size of the firm should sway your decision to u...

LRose Law Ltd: It seems that communication is good and there is definitely some feedback about Rose Fendlen's goal of displaying geniune compassion for their clients. Because the actions needed for each of the case titles quoted can follow the same general direction and court proceedings...

Bellax Solicitors: The official website is (triple 'l') with redirecting you there too. They also have a section highlighting https: site about_us reported_cases " their more prominent cases< a>. Then the third is simply them adding u...

JPS Walker Solicitors: So if you see one written on a solicitor's site it does not mean both are on offer. For this we'll be using the website of JPS Walker Solicitors as our example. A quick note on navigation. class="infoquote "request a free consultation from our experienced l...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: This seems to be an actual goal or at least a point of pride for the firm because we also saw this statement on their website: class="infoquote "At your request we are able to provide communication in Gurjrati, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi, Punjabi, Swahili, and Urdu."< div...

Young & Co Solicitors: The only negative comments we saw related to the length of time a house sale took. class="infoquote "Public Funding or 'Legal aid' is available for Care Proceedings and Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse injunctions (where financially eligible)."< div> This is act...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: It's still very much a specialty though. Lefevres do have some bits of customer feedback on their website. Usually this might cause some concern over potential issues such as ' https: dictionary phishing" phishing< a>', but with their case range bei...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: However for smaller more simple cases such as a two week whiplash injury as a passenger in a car accident - we would not expect the lawyer to take any part of your compensation. We love case studies on a law firm's website. Written like that, it doesn't look nearly as impre...

Cook's Solicitors: That's also something we would consider a good sign that people outside the industry might not be aware of. Such as the firm that claimed a '150 year history' in an area simply because they moved into the building an older legal practice originally owned. On the whole the...

Swain and Co Solicitors: The official site we link to is but is for a different firm. class="infoquote "We will provide free first advice."< div> . One reviewer for Swain & Co even ranted about how 'ugly' the staff were and that they should get rid of...

Fentimans My Law Matters: We've been writing law articles for over twenty years now and have therefore worked alongside hundreds of law firms in that time. More so than even the clothing industry which is saying something. class="infoquote "we always strive to maintain consistently high s...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: The official name of the firm is Frazer Coogans Ltd but the usual variations such as 'frazer coogan's solicitors', 'fraser coogans ltd', 'frazer coogans ayr', etc. The LawScot site only provides search results with a

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: To start off we should try to clarify that 'QualitySolicitors' is not an actual law firm with 100 locations. So why is that? On their own website of course there is the standard testimonials. class="infoquote "We are also the only Solicitors Firm in Lincoln who open ...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: There are several independent review boards online such as https: search?q=onelaw+chambers&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=OneLaw+Chambers&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j0i22i30j69i60l2.900j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x487605d7d69d853f:0x1ba40eec...

Beers Solicitors LLP: Obviously alternatives such as or bring up beverage related websites and none of the beerllp variants were owned by anyone. The only negative comment we saw was a complaint about a solicitor called 'Monty'. It's very common for solicitors to do this. T...

Disrepair Claims UK: class="infoquote " is a trading name Fairweather Claims Ltd ... In fact, solicitors themselves https: latest-news solicitor-sanctioned-for-dealing-with-unregulated-cmcs" can be fined and even stricken off< a> for dealing wi...

Simper Law: The most common error we spotted was people searching for 'simple law ltd' and related variants. Kim Simper comes up as having qualified as a solicitor in 1992, with Sally Riches qualifying in 2001, and Victoria Rose-Smart in 2016. Last year we ran a poll asking people wheth...

RM Solicitors: class="infoquote "We pride ourselves on the personal service that we provide to our clients in meeting their needs."< div> Unfortunately there weren't many public reviews on the regular boards such as Google, Facebook,, etc. It's very common. class...

Ullah Law Associates: It has not kept up with the rise in regular inflation fees at all. The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away from more complex cases . class="infoquote "The team members are experts in their analyti...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: But whilst their business image and reputation amongst peers seems solid - what are the previous clients saying? class="infoquote "dedicated quality time and worked overtime to sort out our matters" "very professional and reliable service, he explained to me every...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: class="infoquote "great help in a recent case and kept me up to date with all developments" "Very accommodating and quick to respond" "easy to deal with when selling my mums house" "got it done quickly and in time not to pay stamp duty"< div> These...

Milners Law LLP: For each firm registered with this law society they display alternate trading titles, contact details for all offices, languages spoken, and (most importantly) the qualification dates and specialties of each solicitor within the firm. If they sound a little different or slig...

KRS Wills & Probate: But what do prior clients think of the firm? class="infoquote "friendly, efficient and well informed" "explained everything and more as I asked a lot of questions" "Great advice and service from Kam"< div> Those snippets are from testimonials posted on t...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: Why people fall for that and don't call their solicitor to check before sending tens of thousands of pounds - we don't know. The main reason we dislike such claims is that typically a firm claiming to have hundreds of years history are doing so because they have nothing much...

Trojan Solicitors: In those ancient times before the years began starting with a 20--, firms typically were either general practice or were known for a single case type. But aside from the various options of legal professionals, there are also options between using a large general practice fir...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: Especially firms in the property market where online scams are rampant.

General Notes: Usually if Legal Aid is possible we've mentioned it above, but you can always ask. We should know - we've been flicking through dozens of them daily for over twenty years ...

Fultons Estate Agents: class="infoquote "approach was both professional and personal throughout the whole process" "Numerous complications arose ... Fultons do not seem to have done so, but that's not really a big issue considering that in our poll last year where we asked people how...

Hooper Hyde Solicitors: Unfortunately that's not always easy when it comes to law firms. HooperHyde obviously stood out to us enough for them to become included on our site. But it can sometimes be difficult to get the information due to many firms using trading names. Confirming the experie...

Antony Hodari Legal Services: Just watch out for ads using keyword matching to display. To us that's a bit of a cheat. It will tell you alternative trading names they use, other possibly more local offices to you, languages spoken, speciality case types, and more. When it comes to legal firms we absolut...

Fair Result Divorce: This gives you our undivided attention."< div>. That's where we saw that the firm was pretty new. There were some testimonials on the company's own website: class="infoquote "the whole process was dealt with so smoothly" "I got the best outcome possible" "the...

Dylan Nair Ltd Solicitors: Legal issues are very personal. No win, no fee just means that there will be no fees if your case loses. Nor do any of the hyphentated variants (dylan-nair) or typical typos (dylanair). Unfortunately such terms are actually unhelpful because no firm is going to claim to be '...

Mckie Legal Solicitors Ltd: We cover the reasons why solicitors do this in our article Jacobs Law Solicitors: If you flick through the data for Jacob's, you'll see they have solicitors from almost every decade over the last four of them. So seeing such a huge amount of highly positive reviews about a Conveyancer is almost the stuff of Twilight Zones.. We know what we do best ..."<...

Allan Argue and Co Solicitors: So how do you judge such things? Sadly in Scotland the Law Society does not provide nearly as much useful user-side information as their English Welsh counterpart. They make a further point about this on the Argue & Co website: class="infoquote "Allan's vision for...

Springle Solicitors: By reducing wasteful overheads, we can improve personal client service.
At one point, more than two thirds of people were dying without leaving a will . But it may be an idea to seek out a free consulation with a fully qualified legal professional before deciding ...

BLZ Solicitors Ltd: Their site is https secure though so entering your information on the contact form should be fine. One thing we have frequently quoted as a dislike on law firm's websites is the new wave of them sharing likes, dislikes, hobbies and favourite colours. This is whe...

Hawkridge & Co Solicitors: It's definitely something to keep in mind whenever you're checking for reviews about any firm that handles property matters. But when anything goes wrong, they get the blame. Hawkridge & Company are another firm which may appear like a regular high street firm, but they ac...

Pacific Law: In our opinion both sides are just marketing language. This could include breaking away from the typical 9am-5pm Mon-Fri working hours and offering some late night appointments. Versus the other side proclaiming their distate for all things stuffy and blasting a thesauru...

ABS Lawyers Ltd: ABS's 85 years though certainly could be a good indication of real, seasoned professionals available within the company . If not, try searching for a more local law society such as at the county or city level. There should therefore be no confusion there, but currently mo...

Stenfield Solicitors Ltd: Unfortunately when no feedback is left it's hard to know if that person was even rating the correct firm. class="infoquote "very impressed with the efficient handling of our case" "We were kept informed throughout" "absolutely fantastic and made my move...

Khan Law Glasgow: In fact the number of firms claiming to be 'award-winning' seems to far exceed the number of awards we could think possible. Even the individual bits about solicitors at a firm only pop up as comment boxes (and not very well on mobile devices). However we believe that shou...

Deo Volente Legal: For example in tax HMRC matters you may save a lot of time and money by using an accountant rather than a law firm if your type of case allows such. This is important because the firm handles property matters which have been the subject of increased scams over the p...

Suhail Ahmad at Richmond Legal: Whilst people may be quite happy to jump online and discuss their new toaster, a local restaurant, or even a house sale - they are less likely to rush and inform everyone about how their bankruptcy, divorce, child custody or contentious probate case is going. That's plenty o...

Trust Inheritance Limited: The most common reason is the expectation of more expertise, more experience, and therefore a knock on effect of less time and cost required. It's important to make sure you're looking at the correct information when researching them, and probably a good idea to bookmark...

Bilkus and Boyle: The rest seem to refer to their actual services though: class="infoquote "have used the firms services for various things over the years with positive results" "kept me involved in all of the decisions all of the time" "took care of all the legal bumf and gav...

Catteralls in Wakefield: Never discuss bank details via email and just try to keep aware of which website you are on. A quick note on navigation as we've seen a few common errors popping up in the site search now that Catteralls have been with us for a while. Most law firms are signed up wit...

Penerley Solicitors: We've been trying to find some of these specialists to add to our network and seeking those that seem to have a better grip on what type of legal professional today's modern business-person is after. 'Less-stuffy' is a phrase we're seeing pop up more and more in newer firm...

Conveyancing Search Providers: After more than twenty years of working in the legal industry, we've built up quite a network of connections, followers, and business partners. Whilst most general consumers will use a service and then happily go online to inform others about their positive or negative exper...

Special Education Needs Lawyer: In the past this usually only applied to cases that would be run on a no win, no fee basis anyway such as Personal Injury matters. Even in this modern era of emails and video chat and smartphones - a huge percentage of law firms still hold tight to the old tradition of only...

Pump Court Chambers Barristers: Again, https: legal-service direct-access " Direct Access< a> is not applicable or beneficial for absolutely every case type. It does however cause some thought to have to be given when researching things such as online reviews. It's not tha...

Mason Bullock Solicitors: It's a difficult area of work , often futile, and not a massively well paying job to take on. To make sure you don't think we fast-tracked even just this one firm we'd like to share some of the things we saw. So it's always a good idea to bookmark sites like this if you pla...

Lindsays Solicitors Scotland: A couple of years ago we ran a poll and (as we actually expected from our own experience) the huge majority of people didn't trust testimonials on company websites. You can usually look up details about any firm with their local law society. But one thing that impressed u...

Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services: There are certainly more quality, cost-effective, and quicker solutions to legal problems these days. For cases such as Motor Offenses or a Personal Injury, absolutely we would recommend a firm that is clearly a law office. Is this a negative point then? Licensing is an...

OTS Immigration Solicitors: We check the usual spots most people visit such as Google, Trustpilot, and Yelp. All following the same themes about friendliness and most relating to Immigration as well. OTS Solicitors are signed to The Law Society of England & Wales which is an excellent resourc...

Reid and Black Solicitors: Whilst not actually based in England Wales, Reid Black will inevitably deal with a lot of other law firms, insurers and businesses in that area. We'd like to share some bits and pieces that stood out. class="infoquote "We will happily discuss any legal issue with ...

Howe and Co Solicitors: The firm did have testimonials on their website as well but at the time of us viewing they were stuffed into a tiny video-style playback box near the bottom of pages. The snippets above were from the usual third party boards such as Google,, Yelp and Trustpi...

Robin Somerville Barrister: Certainly it's a very likely part of the reason he's so well regarded. A quite note on navigation as the this is obviously the barrister's name as the branding and web address. For example, an accountant to help with tax matters. A last word from Robin's site: cla...

Levins Solicitors: If you read the actual comments for a firm rather than just checking star ratings, you can usually tell the people with a genuine complaint versus those that just wanted things to have gone a bit quicker. A good mix of seasoned wisdom alongside young blood eager to pr...

Aconveyancing Ltd: However from experience we and many other people have learned there is no 200 year old guru at any firm imparting all their wisdom to new staff. class="infoquote "We also provide expert legal advice ..."< div> If the firm you're checking out is located in Eng...

The Injury Solicitor Salford: But such ancient founding claims are really just marketing ploys. Immediate reaction to The Injury Solicitor may be that it looks like any other personal injury firm. No win, no fee just means that if you lose there will be no fees. Such as: class="infoquote "We ...

RD Costings Ltd: Sadly, thousands of people are handing over their bank details https: money katie-investigates has-68k-house-deposit-fraudster-hsbc " and paying deposits to fraudsters< a> who pretend to be from the client's law firm. They're also not against an insura...

MGBe Legal Ltd: From the queries we've seen on our site this generally applies to Motor Offences, Criminal Law, Conveyancing, Debt Recovery and Immigration. If someone calls saying they are from your solicitor and need to discuss payments - you can always hang up and call the firm back on t...

McEwan Fraser Legal Scotland: To keep over 4 stars takes some doing. There is a huge amount of public reviews about the firm though. Therefore firms that cover nationwide across the UK will have a huge amount of negative reviews about how they didn't stop a seller buyer pulling out or delaying th...

Fieldfisher Solicitors LLP: The firm has merged with others over the years including Martineau and Reid, Waterhouse & Co, Allison & Humphreys, etc. So on this occasion we would suggest ignoring any comments (positive or negative) that don't come with accompanying comments that clearly appear to b...

Assured Probate Services: If you don't want to scroll through the whole sales pitch, then just scroll down to the bottom of any page. They should have the APS Legal logo on their website though and you can always check with the main office as to whether the consultant using that website is actually ...

Linkilaw Solicitors Ltd in London: We did find a few still hanging around: class="infoquote "They took the time to understand how our business works and the quality of the documents is excellent." "Great team and management. A few new types of business law firm have started emerging to fill this ...

NV Legal Solicitors: However if your case wins the law firm may take a commission success fee of up to 25% of your compensation. A very basic example, but hopefully illustrates that whether a firm offers 100% compensation or not should not be a dealbreaker. class="infoquote "100% no win, n...

SR Law Solicitors London: There are some things to read between the lines that are also very telling. The Law Society of England & Wales has a very helpful website , much more so than it's counterparts in other areas of the UK from what we've seen. So what we can help with is advice on some wa...

DFA Law Solicitors: There is a lot to find between-the-lines in the wording firms use on their website too. A 40-year established firm might stick you with a 1-year experienced solicitor, and a 1-year established firm might have a 40-year experience partner on staff. As you'll see, DFA Law have...

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